Insulated PEX Piping
Brand new insulated PEX piping was installed in this property in 2024
Insulated PEX piping has many benefits, including:
Energy savings
Insulation helps hot water pipes retain heat, which reduces heat loss and saves energy. This means your home uses less energy to heat water back up.
Reduced condensation
Insulation helps minimize condensation on cold water lines, preventing moisture-related issues
Fewer leaks
Insulated PEX pipe allows a system to have less joints, so there is less chance of leaks in the system.
Easier installation
PEX is easy to install, which can save money on labor, long-term care, and maintenance
Corrosion resistance
Insulated PEX is corrosion resistant
PEX pipes are quieter than traditional plumbing materials, as they do not transmit as much noise through the walls and floors of a home.
Greater water pressure
PEX pipes typically have fewer sharp turns, so there is greater water pressure at the sinks and showers and toilets
The buyer is responsible for conducting their own due diligence. Information provided is intended to assist in understanding the potential benefits of specific features in the home and may not pertain to the specific manufacturer or make of any products. There is no guarantee that these items are operational. The buyer is advised to hire appropriate professionals for any inspections they wish to conduct and verify cost impact or savings.